Premises Liability

Property owners are legally required to ensure that their premises are in safe condition. This applies to sidewalks, store aisles, stairs, private homes, public areas, etc. If a property owner is negligent in terms of upkeep and care of their property, and you are injured as a result, you should consult with a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible regarding your potential claim.

Typical premises liability injuries are as follows: 

  • An individual falls and is injured on an icy sidewalk or parking lot because appropriate care has not been taken to sand and salt the area;
  • Concrete that is in disrepair on a path or walkway causes an individual to trip and fall;
  • A person is injured falling down stairs that are incorrectly designed and/or improperly lighted;
  • A grocery store negligently fails to notice and clean up a spill of water or liquid in one of their aisles, causing a customer to fall;
  • Poor construction and failure to adhere to building codes results in an injury.

Following an accident, there are certain things you can do that will help our personal injury lawyers in both evaluating and pursing your claim: 

  • Notify the property owner of the accident and injury as soon as possible;
  • If an incident report is filed, obtain a copy;
  • Take photographs if you are able to, either at the time of the accident, or as soon thereafter as possible. Months later it may be that the site of the accident has changed/been repaired and it is useful to have a photograph to show the condition at the time;
  • If anyone witnesses your fall, obtain their name and contact information;

Please be sure to also obtain appropriate medical treatment for your injury as soon as possible. Many people are embarrassed when they fall or injure themselves in public, and brush off offers of help in the situation. If you need treatment, make sure you allow someone to call an ambulance or take you directly the hospital if needed.  

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